Friday, April 15, 2016

Angela Jackson - Ch. 9 Emphasize Shared Reading

 In this piece the author stresses the importance of shared reading being an integral part of our reading programs. I'd like to say that my mother provided me with my first reading demonstrations as she read to me when I was a child. The text states that teachers help guide students in reading with fluency, figuring out words, thinking , questioning, and predicting, I believe I experienced some of this as my mother modeled reading for me years ago. That being said this piece helped me remember that every student may not have someone to read to them at home.

Additionally, I was made aware that shared reading helps enhance the social interaction between students when partner reading. I did not start partner reading until the second semester and it has made some students who were reluctant to read aloud in whole class instruction highly engaged when with one or two of their peers.


  1. There is SO much power in shared reading! We often think of it as a "privilege" if we have time, but just like playing peek-a-boo as an infant, there are many things dendrites that are connecting in the brain when kids are reading or being read to! I am so glad you are seeing the benefit in your classroom!

  2. I'm glad you've found partner reading helped your readers gain confidence!
