Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jennifer Novak October Blog #3

In Chapter 5 of Reading Essentials¸ the author explains the importance of organizing an outstanding classroom library.  The purpose of a classroom library is to improve reading achievement, allow for different choices of books, classify by subjects, allow for different levels of books, and create a clean, attractive inviting library within the classroom.
        Last year, with the help of Melissa Wells, I relabeled and organized all my books in my classroom.  My baskets are arranged by topic/subject.  On each basket is a picture and genre of the books in that basket. For my Independent reading time, I have 25 large gallon bags with about 6-10 books in it.  I have a sheet that the child signs to say they had this bag.  I rotate through this until every child has a chance to read from every bag.  I love my system this year!!!

I really liked when the author discussed creating a favorite book list.  That is something I have not done, but would like to try it. I also have created a reading log in their HW folder to record their independent reading at home.  


  1. That's a great idea! You are giving them choice, but not too much choice. When they are younger, I think they sometimes get overwhelmed and can't make a decision. By giving them a bag of a few books, they are choosing, but the options are not too many. Good idea!

    Creating a Favorite Book list is a great idea, too. I even have a list of books I'd like to read. This will help them when they finish one book . . . they'll have someplace to go!

  2. Love the book bags, and I would love to see the favorite book list your class creates! :-)
