Friday, April 15, 2016

Margaret Tiller: Blog #7: Routman Chapter 12 "You Only Have So Much Time"

As this school year draws to a close, I have been analyzing my first year of teaching. This has led me to realize that some of my teaching practices need some evaluating. In this chapter, Donna Kline's quote particularly resonated with me: "I have been reevaluating everything I do to see if the activity has a true purpose or if it's just busy work and a time filler" (page 201). This first year of teaching has taught me time and time again that what is easiest for me as the teacher, is, in most cases, NOT what is best for my students. Routman says that "Students will happily engage in work that is connected to their lives and in projects in which they can see value" (page 203). This is so true. Worksheets simply do not increase a student's motivation to learn or engagement in the material. However, if I, as the teacher, take time to construct activities that are meaningful to my students, they are much more likely to engage in and retain the material.


  1. Very true, Margaret! But, also remember that at the end of the day, the student should be the one who is tired. . . not the teacher. :) Your job is to give students opportunities and inspire them to reach their potential. Let them do the thinking!!! :)

  2. I love this time of year because it's a time to celebrate achievements but also plan innovations for the next year. It sounds like you are already thinking critically about what you'd like to do even better next year, which is the sign of a successful reflective practitioner! :-)
