Monday, September 28, 2015

Jennifer Novak August Blog 1

In chapter 3 of Routman’s Reading Essentials the author has numerous helpful tips to make me a better reading teacher.  The author expressed that it is so important to tell your students why you read.  I often tell my students how we need to learn to read because we have to follow directions, read newspapers, read text messages, read magazine, and read books. 
It is always disheartening when I ask my students, “Why do we have to learn to read?” and they respond with, “Because we have to.”  I feel it is important to establish a responsibility for reading and give my students real life reasons to show the importance of reading.  The text emphasized the importance of modeling reading whether it is whole group, small group, or independent reading.
I tell my students that even though it may sound silly, they can practice reading to their favorite stuffed animal, action figure, or doll.  This helps them practice fluency, practice reading aloud, and establishing a purpose to read.  I tell my students that I like to read to Ivy to practice before I come to school and read to them.  They think this is so funny that I will read to my dog, but it gets them interested in reading. 


  1. Great way to start out the year! "Why Do We Read?" anchor chart! or "Reasons We Love to Read!" or "Why is Reading Fun?" Unless they learned to love reading at home, many of your students are just beginning to understand that it can be enjoyable. As a teacher, that can be a huge responsibility. I admire those of you who teach younger students and are instilling that love of words.

    Giving them choice and allowing them to experiment with different genres will also help nurture this love and open their eyes to a world of knowledge. As a result, they can add to that "reasons to read" chart all year long! :)

  2. I love the reading to stuffed animals example. So many kids today don't have someone to read to and it is disheartening since most of us had the luxury of a parent to read to or with. I worked with a teacher, who used Beanie Babies as a way to help improve her students reading and they loved it because it showed them how they could still read to someone and what better way than to a fluffy friend.

  3. Our identities as readers shape how we teach reading in our classrooms, so it is important to share our reading lives with our students!
