Friday, October 23, 2015

Detra Stevens Blog Post 2 "Why Not? What Works?

We all know reading is essential and the benefits of reading!  Reading is powerful and essential!  The author noted in this chapter that IR develops background knowledge, improves fluency and comprehension, heightens motivation, increase reading achievement, helps students broaden vocabulary, and the list goes on and on.  So, why not get students reading and have more time for IR?  I can honestly say I am guilty of not allowing my students more IR time in the classroom. This is an area I am working on, because I want my students to reap the benefits of reading.
I do feel I give my students a variety of text to choose from.  I need to work on organizing my selection of books for the children.  This is something I am currently working on.  The author states that students read more, understand more and are more likely to continue reading when they have the opportunity to choose what they read!  I really agree with that statement!

At the beginning of school I felt like some of parents do.  I felt like my student can’t actually read, so why spend a lot of time on IR.  I can devote that time to something else.  Well, now that I am spending more time with IR, I can see the enjoyment and how my student are really engaged when they are READING!!!!!  They are so excited to share and tell me all about what they read!!!!! 


  1. It IS fun to watch students get excited about what they are reading. I sure enjoyed being in your classroom last week. I can imagine the joy as you watch students catch on to reading words and understanding meaning! Very exciting!

    Even if they are just reading pictures, IR each day is important. I am glad you are seeing the benefit. After they read, let them tell a neighbor what they read, or share with the whole group. This will continue to build excitement and enjoyment. As they become better readers, you can begin to add a few minutes to IR each week or month . . . or whatever you find works for you.

    Even though teaching can be stressful . . . it can also be so rewarding! I am glad you are enjoying their reading success! Thanks for sharing it with me!

  2. I love that you are seeing the importance of IR, even with the K's! It looks a little different than in upper elementary classes, but the K's can totally handle independent reading! :-)
