Thursday, October 15, 2015

Kelly Schachner: Blog #3 Routman Chapter 3

     Sharing my reading life? As a teacher, I have never thought about sharing what I read with my students. I am not certain why this never crossed my mind. It seems logical, necessary, and sensible, but maybe not practical. (At least not what I read at times!) I enjoy reading Smithsonian Magazine, Good Housekeeping articles, and home decorating and design magazines. Not exactly "hot topics" for students of grade-school age. These articles are mainly "what to do" or "what not to do" informational passages. IF I choose to read, it is usually to learn more about something; anything.
      Reading for the pure joy of reading? I rarely partake in this. Maybe, occasionally, I might choose to read a children's book that I have never read, but that is really the only time I read for pleasure.  I have never been a "fluff" person and I think I view reading fiction as "fluff" reading. Also, because I am busy, I do not make the time to read something that is not going to make a difference in my life in some way. (Practical, huh?)
    When I hear folks discussing a great book, I sometimes get a bit envious. I have tried to read the same book, but I don't last long in a fictional world. Reality is where I seem to want to stay.
     I do not believe that this makes me a bad reading teacher. I can, and will, read most of the books in my classroom library. So, when my children want to discuss a book, I do have some knowledge of what they are reading. I do say things like, "Oh, I love that book. It was one of my favorites!" I will know just enough about most books that we can discuss the important elements.
    One thing I want to do is obtain more informational books for my classroom library so that I can turn them on to that type of reading and we can share what we learn together.


  1. Not everyone enjoys fiction. You shouldn't feel bad or envious about that. Although I love fiction, I know many people who do not. I think it is great that you read the books in your class, though. That is a huge undertaking, I am sure! I still think it is beneficial for kids to see what you're reading and hear you talk about it. I am like you, I didn't often talk about what I was reading outside of the classroom - unless I could use that knowledge somehow in my teaching - but, I wish I had taken more time to SHOW them what I read.

    The non-fiction books you would like are on their way! I can't wait for you guys to have more books to share with your students!

  2. Kelly, this is a beautiful post!! You know yourself well as a reader, and I think your students benefit from that!
