Saturday, October 10, 2015

Kelly Schachner: Blog #2: Miller Section 2

Independent Reading isn't INDEPENDENT at all! It requires teachers to be part of the process and collaborate with the students in an effort to move them forward. Reading one-on-one with students is the best way to attack and find the struggles that a student is facing. Explicit instruction is necessary and vital to the growth of students. Choice makes a big difference in learning. Students who have choice are more interested in what they are reading and more likely to enjoy the selections. This will lead to them wanting to read more.Teachers have to do a circus balancing act to make this work. Mixing up the teaching strategies to best meet student needs, creating small group lessons to show them how to find different genres, teaching them how to choose the best books for THEM, instilling confidence through conferencing, and helping them to think through what they are reading, are all necessary steps to successful reading. Students must be met where they are in order to move them up. Now, how do I do this and not go crazy? Hmmmmmmm.....the first step is to start. Then I will move on from there. I see the benefits of this, but am frightened a bit by how overwhelming it seems. How do I write this in my plans? How do I keep up with the record-keeping part? How will I be sure that what I am doing is actually helping? What about the children who still aren't learning? So many questions and unknowns...... The first step is the hardest, right?


  1. You are exactly right! Getting started is the first step. You already do so many good lessons in your class . . . I think you will just be restructuring a little. When I first started a reading workshop model in my classroom, I took one part each week and added it little by little. If I don't break things down and go about change slowly, I go crazy. However, it was worth the effort. If you want help with how to write plans or record keeping, etc., let me know. I would love to help you! Also, I am creating conferencing notebooks for several teachers. If you would like me to make you one, I can do that, too. You don't have to worry about students who aren't learning. If you are teaching them on their level, there is no way that would ever be a problem. You are already a fabulous teacher . . . we already know that. Just go ahead and jump! I have no doubt that it will be a beautiful landing!

  2. Another sentence slam--LOVE that first sentence!! You're so right--it is not independent. IR depends on quality instruction via teacher conferences! The first step is the hardest. Take Kelli up on her offer for help with LPs and documentation!! :-)
